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Music by Andrei Tiberiu Maria, Vladimir Coman-Popescu
Lyrics by Andrei Tiberiu Maria
Produced by Chopsticks
Illustration: Victor Fota
Animation: Robert Jianu
00:00 Smiley – Days of Summer
0:44 Can’t wait to see your TikToks
1:13 Smiley – Days of Summer
© 2023 HaHaHa Production | Red Entertainment Group
℗ 2023 HaHaHa Production | Red Entertainment Group
#Smiley #DaysofSummer #hahahaproduction
You left me last night
Awake in my dreams
The morning feels now
And I’m wide asleep
Those movies of love sound
Don’t tell it like this
I took my best shot
So, why did I miss?
Should I let it all go?
Let it all go now?
Let it take toll
Let it take toll
Should I run to your door?
Tell you I’m so sorry
I wanna change the ending of the story
Take me back
To the days of summer
Back to being lovers
To the times I thought the sun won’t set
Take me back
Let’s forgive each other
Let the rains of summer
Come pouring down
And wash our problems away
Take me to evergreen
Everlasting sunset
Like the sky on fire
Remember how it feels
Taking back the days
To “once upon a time”
Watching those movies that we never liked
The credits are rolling
Let’s not say goodbye
Oooh oh oh
Ooh oh no-no
Should I let it all go?
Let it all go now?
Let it take toll
Let it take toll
Should I run to your door?
Tell you I’m so sorry
I wanna change the ending of the story
Take me back
To the days of summer
Back to being lovers
To the times I thought the sun won’t set
Take me back
Let’s forgive each other
Let the rains of summer
Come pouring down
And wash our problems away
Summer may have ended, but its echoes live on in #daysofsummer. Let's cherish the sunsets and the memories together.

Wtf is this shit?
I don't find lyrics you can post lyrics
Hayot guzal

Hayot guzal
Hayot guzal
Te ascult mereu cu plăcere.Imi place tare cântecul asta. Visare,relaxare vara in sufletele noastre! Vocea ta e pansament pentru sufletul meu! Mulțumesc

Aia e , vă iubesc
Super frumos, minunată melodia și interpretarea

You miss God!

Foarte frumoasa!!
Have you seen that this track just got picked up by famous influencer Smiley who has over 1.1M Followers on TikTok!
5 to 8 hours per phase. 1 or 2 phases at a time. EVERYONE IS SIMILAR BECAUSE OF THE PHASES
Piesa ar fi fost super doar daca era cântată de altcineva o voce mai bună
Frumoasa piesa! Aduce vibe de vara! Bravo Smiley, ești super!

Superbă melodie!!!!! Pupicei!!!
Superbă melodia.

Super piesa!Super Smiley!

O piesa minunata


Ești un om minunat cu o voce minunată
Smiley, stau in Germania esti pe locul 3 din "Top 100 Charts Germany" Bravo!!!!
Smiley, stau im germania si ești in top 3 "Charts gmm
Super piesa Felicităriiii!!!
Superb, nu ma mai satur

O melodie superbă!
https://youtu.be/SjS9aMH38Gw?si=XUwRPd0X9ebEzTbd. Next hit!
So fire
Super piesă!!! Îmi placeeee maxim!
Super melodie! Felicitări Smiley!
Supeeeeerbă piesă!! Ești aur, Smiley!!

Superbă piesa!! FELICITĂRI!!!

Frumoasă melodia este uimitoare, ai o voce foarte frumoasă și melodia chiar te prinde.
Foarte frumos single

Mult succes în toate proiectele tale!
E superbă piesa! Transmiți multă emoție!

Făină piesă!

O piesă frumoasă, ca de altfel toate piesele tale! Succes în continuare!